Vintage Playing Cards

About the Project

A client needed their classic set of playing cards reworked to match the current demographic while still keeping the same 50's style cartoons. Since the entire set aside from 2 cards in teh deck had illustrations of men, this meant I had to illustrate 24 new designs.

Ace of spades card with an illustration of a woman in a pink dress running to the left. There's a clock on the wall that reads 5:00 and the caption below her reads 'walk! don't run!
Joker card with the profile shot of a woman's face with blond hair facing the left
2 of spades card with an illustration of a woman in an pink dress putting out a fire with an extinguisher. The caption below her reads 'Refill fire Extinguishers!
3 of spades card with illustration of a woman's head. SHe frowns worriedly and a though bubble with a nuclear explosion is above her head. The caption reads 'Reactive materials can cause explosions!
6 of spades card with illustration of a woman in a t-shirt and jeans bending and lifting a box. The caption below her reads 'Bend your legs to lift!
8 of spades card with an illustration of a woman's face. SHe wears a hardhad on her head. The caption below her reads 'In designated areas wear your hardhat!
2 of diamonds card with an illustration of a woman in a dress carrying a box labeled fragile down the stairs. At the foot of the stairs sits a red skateboard. The capion below reads 'watch out! Accidents are always unexpected!
Origami booklets and folded pieces together
3 of diamonds card with an illustration of a woman's face and hands and she is pouring two different liquid bottles into a tray. THere is vapor rising from the tray and she is making a sick expression. The caption below reads 'take precautions when mixing toxic liquids!
4 of diamonds card with an illustration of a woman who has just tripped and fallen on a puddle on the floor. The caption below reads 'clean-up spills!
7 of diamonds card with an illustration of a woman's face and hands making smug gestures. She has a bandaid on her cheek and bandages on her fingers. THe caption below reads 'What excuse justifies an accident?'
8 of diamonds card with an illustration of a woman operating compressed gas container. The caption below reads 'Danger! Compressed Gas!
9 of diamonds card with illustration of a woman's face and hand attempting to put a plug in a loaded powerbar. The caption below reads ' do not overload electrical circuits!
10 of diamonds card with illustration of woman's face and hand making a troubled gesture. She has red spots all over her skin. THe caption below reads 'Take care when handling infectious materials!
Queen of diamonds card with illustration of a woman who has just fallen overtop a cracked stool. Above her are 2 shelves with pots and a watering can that are also falling. The caption below reads 'Falls hurt! Be careful!
10 of clubs card with illustration of a person's view out the front window from inside a vehicle. There is a silhouette of a person on the road and the driver has one hand on the wheel while the other hand is scrolling through a text conversation. The caption below reads 'Don't text and drive!
8 of clubs card with illustration of a woman in a pink dress tripping on nuts and bolts. The caption reads 'Pick-up items dropped on the floor!
7 of clubs card with illustration of a woman in a pink dress wiping down electronics with a wet rag. THe caption reads 'Handle corrosive materials with care!
3 of clubs card with illustration of a woman in knight armor holding a hammer and a nail. The caption reads 'You can't be too careful!
ace of clubs card with illustration of a woman in a tshirt and jeans sitting ontop of a large bomb about to light the fuse. The caption reads 'Accidents don't happen, they are caused!
Queen of hearts card with illustration of a woman in a pink dress sweeping the floor with a broom. The caption reads 'Good housekeeping is important!
2 of hearts card with illustration of a woman in a pink dress resting her face in her hand sadly as the computer next to her starts malfunctioning and smoking from the back. THe caption reads 'Don't touch equipment you don't understand!