
About the Project

People who use tampons and pads know that it is not ideal to have them out in the open but rather kept concealed in a purse or a pocket Their packages are usually quite predictable, but they do not have to be.

That is my drive behind Tamptations©, the tampon and pad brand that brings style to those monthly necessities through packaging. A standard Tamptations© box not only contains a 3-month's supply of tampons and pads, but also candies and chocolate for those monthly cravings. Each of these items have different packaging, so the user will be able to tell the difference—but only the user. A strap that wraps around the 2 boxes is used as a tracker, which can be filled in using the included sticker sheet.

Tamptations© boxes come in 3 different colours and their shape is ideal for stacking and distribution. Their designs are handdrawn candy textiles, so they are great for storing other items afterwards.

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